“The most ethical diet just so happens to be the most environmentally sound diet and just so happens to be the healthiest”
Get Hangry About Sustainability
Wanted: investors to restore soils and push plant-based diets
Research shows financing less meat-eating has a bigger climate impact than investing in renewables or EVs
Investors wanting to have maximum climate impact should spend their money on encouraging a global shift to plant-based diets, says a study from newly created non-profit Tilt Collective and consultancy Systemiq.
Investing in the creation of a plant-rich food system offers more than five times the emissions reductions from the same investment in renewable energy, and four-times that of electric vehicles, finds the report published on Monday at New York Climate Week.
At Hangry Planet, our mission is to present the most environmentally driven health-conscious Convenience Store in North America, utilizing partnerships and community outreach programs to advance our core sustainability and advocacy goals aimed at reducing our carbon footprint.
As the 1st plant-based C-store in North America, we prioritize sustainability, environmental advocacy, and proactive kindness to all sentient beings. We have transformed a high-traffic junk food milieu into a lighthouse for healthy food choices. We also have a mission to educate on our carbon footprint, and how to mindfully choose a way a life that is more in harmony with nature, optimal health, and animal protection.
At Hangry, we have community outreach programs run by volunteers and staff. Programs and alliances are designed to help educate the curious ones on how to reduce our carbon footprint, the environmental consequences of our food choices, and the inherent systemic abuse that is rampant behind closed doors on factory farms. We partner with organizations such as New Roots Institute , Clean Water Action, VegMichigan, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, and Switch4Food to educate around the health and environmental impact of our choices.
Since July of 2023, all our utensils and cups are compostable and we have an active composting program thanks to Sustainability Ambassador Bob Davis.
Our partnerships with Animal Recovery Mission & Animal Equality serve to elevate awareness of the cruelty we pay for when choosing dairy and animal derived food products.
If you'd like join our team of Sustainability Ambassadors and become an Advocate for Sustainability, in helping educate others on carbon footprint tango and living in greater harmony with animals, please email us at hangryplanetsanbruno@gmail.com. Our efforts in the community include leading talks and workshops in California and Michigan, and providing grants to organizations with a core mission of sustainability, education, and orphan care .
Hangry Planet earmarks 11% of profits for nonprofits devoted to advancing sustainability goals, animal protection, orphan care, and local schools. Thanks to your support, we raised over $60,000 for charitable nonprofits in 2024.
Through our VR Car Wash program we seek to heighten the awe and wonder tucked deep in your memories of what car washes were for you as a child. We offer educational and earth awareness content along with entertaining narratives that can be experienced in the wash tunnel immersively. You may tune into audio via 90.1 FM in your car. The thought provoking immersive media content will soon be live again by Jan 1st 2025, we promise!